d o g - b l a n k e t s

In the middle of my family

everyday style for dogs.

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L a & C o .

Everyday life with style.

everyday style for dogs.

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Dog beds

Princess and the Pea

everyday style for dogs.

TheOtherWalk I Stilvolles & nachhaltiges Hundezubehör I Schweiz

Selected dog accessories with style that make life with our dogs even more beautiful.





Dog bowls

Der klassische Futternapf Granny für Hunde von Cloud7.

Our favorites


"Congratulations again to all of you for 3rd place in the Startup category - a great track record and a seal of quality for your online store."

Another Walk*3

«Wenn Zwei sich freuen, freut sich ein Dritter». Bei jeder Bestellung für dich und deinen Vierbeiner, sorgen wir dafür, dass ein Hund, der es nötig hat, sich mitfreuen kann.

AnotherWalk*3 sammelt für Hunde ohne Zuhause. Dieser schweizer Onlineshop unterstützt Hunde aus dem Tierschutz.
Hundeprodukte welche den Tierschutz unterstützen.

NF foundation for happy dogs and people, Switzerland

Our animal welfare dogs are very close to our hearts. Every day we do our best to help them regain confidence and enjoy their lives in a family that is suitable for them. This is our daily work, because shared joy is double joy! Through the support of AnotherWalk*3 even triple!

Hundeprodukte welche den Tierschutz unterstützen.

Evolution Animal, Merida Mexico

In Mexico, many dogs live on the streets. We support organizations that take in these dogs and foster them with lots of love. Another Walk*3 also makes sterilization campaigns possible. This relieves needy families financially and ensures that no more puppies end up on the streets.